我们将为您提供满意的模具解决方案,如果您正在寻找 汽车注塑模具 , 请与我们联系,我们永远不会让您失望。
The front grille of the car is a mesh-like part of the front part of the car. The front grille of the vehicle is located between the front bumper and the front cross member In addition to the beautiful appearance of the front grille, the biggest effect is the intake and reduce the air resistance.In addition, the front grille also plays a role in cooling.
符合欧美标准的汽车塑料模具制造商。 10年专业生产汽车模具系列,包括暖通模具、保险杠模具、大灯模具、汽车内外饰模具、仪表板模具、挡泥板模具、门板模具等。 优秀的模具制造商,拥有强大的工程团队。 工程工作不仅包括模具设计,还包括模具可行性、模具工艺、产品设计专业知识和原型设计服务,帮助我们为客户制定有效的模具策略。